Designing a more ergonomic IPFS API

Lab Week 2018

How can IPFS API be more appealing to programmers?
Solving these can encourage developers to use IPFS
This is about improving developer experience
I created IPFSX as a playground for these experiments.
(It's currently just a mapping layer from the API I want to expose
to the API that IPFS or IPFS API exposes)
The biggest difference is making use of async iterators

What is async iterators❓

Firstly, Iterable is an interface for producing iterators
There are lots of things that are iterable in JS already:
arrays, objects, maps, sets.
You can use them in for (x of y) loops
An Iterable object exposes a function that creates an iterator
...which can be used to iterate over the items in an iterable.
An iterator implements the iterator protocol
i.e. it has a next method
which returns an object
{ done, value }
An async iterator instead returns a Promise
when you call next
You can use async iterables in
for await (x of y) loops
So we have a way to stream data using native language constructs!

No transpile!

We don't need to use Node.js streams or pull streams any more
...and it's easy to convert between pull streams and async iterables:
github.com/alanshaw/pull-stream-to-async-iterator github.com/alanshaw/async-iterator-to-pull-stream
...and Node.js streams are now async iterables:
No more multi API add, addPullStream, addReadableStream
Smaller bundle, fewer dependencies!
Fewer tests to run (testing all combinations)
Easier to create an interface-ipfs-core compatible interface (fewer things to implement)
Less boilerplate converting between streams
Easier to error handle - only try catch
Better stack traces - not clipped at async boundaries


What does it look like?

Create node

const ipfsx = require('ipfsx')
const IPFS = require('ipfs') // N.B. also works with ipfs-api!

const node = await ipfsx(new IPFS)
// node is READY to use

Add content

for await (const item of node.add('hello world!'))


const { cid } = await node.add('hello world!').first()

Streaming add

const item = await node.add(fs.createReadStream(/*...*/)).first()

Add multiple

const adder = node.add([
  { path: 'root/file1', content: fs.createReadStream(/*...*/) },
  { path: 'root/file2', content: fs.createReadStream(/*...*/) }

for await (const res of adder)
  console.log(res.cid, res.path)

For fun, create your own iterator!

const generator = function * () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    yield crypto.randomBytes()

const { cid } = await node.add(generator()).first()

For fun, create your own async iterator!

const generator = async function * () {
  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    yield new Promise(resolve => resolve(crypto.randomBytes()))

const { cid } = await node.add(generator()).first()

Cat it out!

let data = Buffer.alloc(0)
const cid = 'QmWGeRAEgtsHW3ec7U4qW2CyVy7eA2mFRVbk1nb24jFyks'

for await (const chunk of node.cat(cid, options))
  data = Buffer.concat([data, chunk])

console.log(data.toString()) // Hello, world!
Check out API docs and examples:
github.com/alanshaw/ipfsx/blob/master/API.md github.com/alanshaw/ipfsx/tree/master/examples
More background and rationale:
github.com/alanshaw/ipfsx#background github.com/alanshaw/ipfsx/blob/master/RATIONALE.md